Code of Conduct
- All the students must attend the general assembly in the morning. Students should be in school before the bell rings.
- Students arriving habitually late will be sent home.
- 75% attendance is compulsory for promotion to the next higher class. If any student is absent for 7 consecutive days without information to the school, his/her name will be removed from the rolls of the school.
- The School begins at 8:00 a.m. and gets over by 3:20 p.m.
- Latecomers are not encouraged and they must bring the permission letter from their parents or else they are not allowed to the school. NO child shall leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the principal or Teacher in-charge and a gate-pass.
- Care must be taken of all the school property and no student should scratch, spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, scribble on the walls or damage other student’s accessories. Negligent students will be charged for the damage.
- Students are not allowed to intimidate other students, teachers.
- Students must not wear gold ornaments like chains, rings, bangles, anklets, etc. School management is not responsible in case of loss/theft of any expensive item.
- The students are prohibited from bringing a camera, Walkman, mobile phones, electronic gadgets, magazines, tattoos, pictures, sharp instruments, blades, etc.
- inside the school premises.
- Misconduct and indiscipline in school buses will not be tolerated.
- Students should speak softly and politely and communicate in English only.
- The Parents or the Guardians must attend the PTM (Parent-Teacher Meeting) regularly. Tentative dates for PTM are given in the year planner.
- The Parents are welcome to meet the Principal, Vice Principal or the block In-charge regarding any queries, problem or suggestions only on prior appointments during the visiting hours.
- The School programs are given utmost importance in CBSE. Please see that your children participate in Annual Day, Sports Day, and Founders Day celebration. These develop inter and intrapersonal skills.
- Students of Akshara Vaagdevi International School should follow the rules and regulations. If found deviating, they have to face the consequences.
- In all the matters, the decision of the principal of Akshara Vaagdevi International School will be final and binding upon the student.
Uniform Rules
- Students should come to school in the prescribed uniform which should be neat and clean.
- Students should carry their ID cards every day.
- The Boys should have a well-trimmed haircut and the girls should either wear two plaits or have a short haircut. Applying Mehndi on the hands is not permitted.
- Students should have trimmed nails.
- The defaulters will be given 3 chances in a month. All the Students must follow the following uniform code of the school.
I. Girls
A. Regular
- White shirt with collar and half sleeves with the school logo and blue bifurcated skirt (I – X)
- Black shoes (as prescribed by the school) and Navy Blue socks
- Navy blue cycling shorts (V- X)
- Black hair band/rubber band.
- School belt.
- Navy blue cardigan during winter.

B. Sports
- White T-shirt with house color collar and the school logo.
- House color bifurcated box pleated skirt for classes I to X.
- Black shoes (as prescribed by the school) and white socks.
- White hair band/rubber band.
- The skirts should be one inch above the knees.
B. Sports
- House color shorts, white T-shirts with collar and school logo (I-IV)
- House color T-shirt with collar and school logo (V-X)
- White tracks for classes I to X.
Hobby Uniform:
As prescribed for the year.


A. Regular
- Navy blue shorts for classes I-IV.
- Navy blue trousers for classes V-X.
- White shirt with collar and half sleeves with school logo.
- Black shoes (as prescribed by the school) and navy blue socks.
- The School belt.
- Navy blue ‘V’ neck sweater during winter.
Discipline rules :
- The Students of Akshara Vaagdevi International School need to maintain discipline at all times in the school.
- Whenever a student’s demeanor is found unacceptable he/she will be issued a Discipline form that has to be signed by the parents and given to the coordinator.
- A student repeating the same behavior will be detained in the school.
- If the students are found roaming in the corridors or going to the washroom (other than during short break or lunch break) without the permission card, three chances are given after which a discipline form is issued to the student.
- These measures are taken to encourage self-discipline among the students.
Rules We Follow
- Students must maintain silence.
- Students should return the library books promptly.
- Students should handle books or magazines with care
- Students may work individually or will be done with partners or groups according to the experiment.
- Students should not misbehave in the labs.
- Students who damaged the lab equipment will be charged.
- Students are expected to obey directions given by all the supervisors while on the playground.
- Students are not allowed in any of the play areas without any supervisor to monitor.
- Students must play the designated games in the designated areas.
- Students must move to the classrooms once the sports hour is over.
- Students should not bully others while playing.

Rewards and Incentives

- “Well behaved student”
- “Star student”
- “Classroom of the week”